Sen. Tom Cotton Emerges As Leading Contender In Trump’s VP Search

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) has reportedly risen to the top of former President Donald Trump’s list of potential vice presidential running mates for the upcoming fall election. Despite being omitted from an initial ABC News report that named candidates contacted by the Trump campaign for information, a subsequent report from The Washington Post indicated that Cotton was among the top contenders asked to submit paperwork.

A source close to Trump told The Daily Wire, “Senator Cotton stands out among the other candidates as a battle tested, serious minded lawmaker with exceptional fundraising skills. He’s a fighter that would round out the ticket in a way that is most likely to secure a victory in November.”

The New York Times also reported on Cotton’s unexpected emergence as a top contender, suggesting that Trump believes experience and discipline will be crucial factors in regaining the White House. The former president has privately praised Cotton as “a reliable and effective communicator in cable news interviews,” a highly valued quality in Trump’s inner circle.

Cotton’s military service and Ivy League education have also earned Trump’s admiration, with the two men having fostered a close relationship during their time in Washington. They collaborated on immigration issues and shared an affinity for the conservative populism driving the Republican Party.

Throughout his tenure in Washington, Cotton has faced opposition that could make him an appealing candidate for Trump. In 2020, he led the charge in raising concerns about the potential origin of the coronavirus pandemic at a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan, despite media criticism. Later, as far-left extremists rioted across the U.S. following the death of George Floyd, Cotton penned a controversial piece in The New York Times urging Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act to deploy the military to quell the violence and protect law enforcement officers.

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