John Kerry Ridiculed For Comments On Russian Climate Emissions

Outgoing climate czar and failed presidential candidate John Kerry took environmental silliness to a new level on Tuesday with harshly criticized remarks equating the Ukraine war with pollution.
The Biden appointee suggested that people would view the war differently if the Kremlin enacted new climate policies.
After acknowledging that Russia is one of the world’s largest emitters, Kerry said Moscow could show “good faith” by pursuing environmental changes. “Maybe this would open the door for people to feel better about what Russia is choosing to do at this point in time.”
What? People opposed to the war would suddenly feel better about the conflict because of lower carbon emissions in the world’s largest nation?
Kerry is the beneficiary of a cabinet-level position created particularly for him by Biden. But observers note the gross hypocrisy of having the 80-year-old official fly around the globe in his wife’s private jet to lecture others on their country’s pollution.
John Kerry says people would 'feel better' about the war in Ukraine if Russia would 'make a greater effort to reduce emissions'
A failed Secretary of State
A failed “climate envoy”
— George Papadopoulos (@GeorgePapa19) March 6, 2024
For example, the Gulfstream GIV-SP aircraft Kerry travels on took 48 trips last year alone.
During these elite excursions for Biden’s climate czar, the plane emitted over 300 metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. If he had chosen to travel on commercial passenger planes instead, the output would have been limited to 4.6 metric tons.
For his remarks concerning Moscow’s climate policies, Kerry was roundly criticized.
Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called his comments “sick” and “dangerous.” He said that the misguided Kerry somehow believes Ukrainian deaths are more palatable “if Russia would reduce its carbon footprint.”
Pompeo added that it is “totally immoral to suggest you can conduct wars of aggression in Europe so long as you support the green agenda.”
Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) echoed Pompeo’s shock at the callousness of the statement. “By John Kerry’s logic, the world’s villains could improve their image by reducing their carbon footprint.”
Another lawmaker weighed in on the controversy when Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) succinctly summed up the reactions of many. “At this point, the Biden admin is like a continuous SNL skit.”