Haley Refuses To Say Whether She Would Support Trump If He Wins Nomination

During a Sunday interview, failing Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley refused to state whether she would support former president and current GOP primary frontrunner Donald Trump if he won the nomination — something that she agreed to do when signing a required debate pledge from the Republican National Committee (RNC).

Haley has become a darling of the left for her repeated attacks on Trump, her support of foreign wars and her many left-leaning positions. She has also become a fixture on left-wing media, including ABC News — where she appeared on Sunday to discuss her candidacy.

Her comments about Trump came in response to a question from ABC News anchor Jonathan Karl, host of “This Week.” Near the end of the interview, Karl asked Haley whether she would support Trump if he wins the GOP primary — which is almost certain considering her abysmal poll numbers and his victories in primaries thus far, unless one of the Democrats’ political prosecutions of Trump succeeds in disqualifying him from the race.

“We’re just about of time, but I’ve got to ask, you had said earlier in this process that you will support Donald Trump if he wins the Republican nomination,” Karl said.

The ABC News anchor’s question included false framing of Trump’s recent comments — where the former president said that in his first term, he had essentially threatened a NATO member that he would not defend them unless they actually kept their promises and paid for their defense, threatening that he would “encourage” Russia to do what it wants to them. His comments were not necessarily about future actions, just an anecdote about his past bluff.


Karl went on to ask: “Are you still making that pledge that you would actually support, after all of that, Donald Trump for president of the United States if he beats you for the Republican nomination?”

“I mean, keep in mind, I am running against him for a reason,” Haley responded while avoiding answering the question, to which Karl responded, “I know.”

“I’m running against him because I don’t think he should be the right — I don’t think he’s the right person at the right time,” Haley continued. “I don’t think he should be president. The last thing on my mind is who I’m going to support. The only thing on my mind is how we’re going to win this. The only thing on my mind is how we’re going to make sure that we correct what’s happening in America and we bring this country back together, allow her to heal and move in a strong way.

Karl then pointed out that Haley had “already said it” when signing the debate pledge.

Haley then launched into another one of her commonly-used arguments, in which she again tried to play identity politics — pointing out that she’s a woman, which she does very often — stating that the choice is between two female presidents, her or Vice President Kamala Harris. She also falsely claimed that “every poll shows” that Trump will lose, even though Trump is beating President Joe Biden in almost every poll.

Karl once again pressed Haley to respond, asking: “Does that mean you will not support him if he’s the Republican nominee?”

“That means I’m going to run and I’m going to win. And y’all can talk about support later. Right now you can ask him if he’s going to support me when I’m the nominee,” she said, again refusing to answer the question.

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