Ex-ICE Director Urges Biden To Reimplement Trump’s Border Policies


Since President Joe Biden took office, the U.S. has been embroiled in an ever-worsening immigration crisis due to the administration’s lax border policies. 

Biden’s refusal to secure the southern border has individuals on both sides of the political spectrum highlighting the successes of former President Donald Trump’s policies. 

Biden, who called Trump’s border wall “xenophobic,” recently had to continue building the border wall in Texas because illegal immigration has gotten out of control. The president is now facing calls from ex-federal officials to reimplement Trump’s border policies, which kept Americans safe for four years. 

Recently, the former director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Tom Homan, appeared on the Counter Culture Podcast, where he argued that the best way to combat the immigration crisis in America is to bring back the former president’s policies. 

“Look, what’s happening on the border right now is not a resource issue; it’s a policy issue,” Homan told podcaster Dan Proft. “If they would simply go back to the Trump policies that gave us the most secure border in our lifetime, we’d be there.”

“Mandate E-Verify, finish the wall, then we’ll talk about what you want to do as far as future immigration,” Homan added.

The ex-ICE official has pointed the finger at Biden for creating the disaster at the southern border. 

In March 2021, Homan issued a scathing rebuke of the Biden administration, telling Fox News that the administration’s “rush to undo” Trump’s successful border policies is the reason the southern border is in disarray. 

“Why they would tear up agreements with other countries that are the source of illegal immigration, an agreement that would help stem the flow of immigration, is ridiculous,” he said, stressing that the Biden administration “put themselves in this crisis” because “there’s such a hurry” to undo “everything Trump.”

Homan was appointed as acting director of ICE under the Trump administration and served the role for a little over a year, as reported by American Greatness.

Prior to becoming a federal official, Homan attended Jefferson Community College. He later became a police officer in West Carthage, New York, before joining ICE in 1984, according to American Greatness. 

In 2013, then-President Barack Obama appointed Homan to the position of Executive Associate Director of ICE.

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