Internet Charmed By Small NYC Girl And Pretzel Vendor

With all the contentious debates and bad news filling the internet and airwaves, a sweet story emerged out of New York City. Video footage showed a small girl running to embrace the pretzel vendor who sells his wares outside of her school

The little girl in a white jacket is seen racing down the sidewalk to give a big hug to the man, who had been gone on vacation from his usual spot.

The girl’s mom recorded the precious encounter and then shared it online. She said that her daughter missed the pretzel man for the week he was on vacation.

She wrote, “The sweetest pretzel man, he parks his cart outside of my daughter’s school and she loves giving him high fives when she walks by.” 

The proud mom noted that her daughter missed her friend while he was away. “When I picked her up from school today, she literally ran into his arms.”

The video was shared on TikTok last week by the mother, who owns a line of luxury sleepwear for babies. The heartwarming greeting the small child gave the vendor quickly garnered more than two million views. 

Added to that were 290,000 likes.

The social media response was exactly what could be expected. The New York City Ferry account wrote, “I’m literally a boat but I’m crying over how adorable this is. I love being a New Yorker.” 

Many expressed a similar bond with local food vendors, with New Yorkers showing an outpouring of emotion toward these big city fixtures. One wrote, “I got emotional when I had to say goodbye to my coffee cart man when I moved from NYC. They become stitches in the fabric of your daily life.”

Another agreed. “This is exactly how I think New York kids grow up. Favorite vendor since childhood, same bodega spot so cute.” 

An appreciative reaction came from skincare product maker Kiehl. “There’s no place like NYC.”

Yet another person commented on social media, “It’s a city kid thing.”

With all the wars and political strife that dominate daily headlines, it is refreshing to see a touch of pure and simple humanity spread like wildfire. The honest emotion of one little girl hugging the pretzel vendor outside of her school reminded many of the good that still exists in humanity.

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