Controversial CRT Crusader Named Keynote Speaker For Pentagon Contractor

Critical race theory has made headlines in recent years over claims that its underlying message is not just anti-racist but overtly biased against White individuals. Now, one of the leaders of this controversial movement is having her message promoted by an organization that has received billions of taxpayer dollars in contracts with the Pentagon.
Robin DiAngelo, who claimed in her book “White Fragility” that “anti-blackness is foundational to our very identities as white people,” has been selected as a keynote speaker for the Mitre Corporation’s upcoming “Week of Belonging” event.
“The perfect convergence of white supremacy, patriarchy…”
Robin DiAngelo explains that Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam on the Sistine Chapel ceiling is the “single image” she uses to “capture the concept of white supremacy.”
She also misidentifies Adam as David.
— Steve McGuire (@sfmcguire79) February 6, 2024
In a memo to employees of the non-profit group, which has been the recipient of more than 3,000 federal government contracts since President Joe Biden’s inauguration, stated: “We are thrilled to announce our opening keynote speaker, Robin DiAngelo Ph.D., affiliate associate professor of education at the University of Washington and author of ‘White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard For White People To Talk About Racism,’ and ‘Nice Racism: How Progressive White People Perpetuate Racial Harm.’”
The announcement went on to reveal that she will host “a fireside chat to discuss the skills needed to be effective stewards and overcome challenges to creating the impact we want to see.”
While DiAngelo’s agenda might align with the diversity, equity and inclusion ideology embraced by the Mitre Corporation and the Biden administration, her reductionist racial rhetoric has been met by sharp criticism from individuals across the political spectrum.
John McWhorter, a liberal Black linguist, tore into DiAngelo’s writing, asserting that she “openly infantilized” and “simply dehumanized” Black people.
“If you write a book that teaches that Black people’s feelings must be stepped around to an exquisitely sensitive degree that hasn’t been required of any other human beings, you’re condescending to Black people,” he argued. “In supposing that Black people have no resilience, you are saying that Black people are unusually weak. You’re saying that we are lesser. … That’s discriminatory.”
Nevertheless, the Mitre Corporation is coercing its employees to read one or both of her divisive books by establishing “10 book clubs across the organization” through its inclusion and diversity team, promising to distribute “five labor hours to host the book club.”