California Advances Bill Offering Home Loans To Illegal Immigrants, Leaving Citizens Behind

California is moving forward with a bill that could offer state-funded zero-down payment loans to illegal immigrants, sparking criticism from citizens who feel left behind. AB 1840, authored by Assemblymember Joaquin Arambula (D), proposes providing loans up to 20% of a home’s purchase price to illegal aliens, with no interest or monthly payments. Many Americans are struggling to buy homes, yet this bill prioritizes non-citizens who may be less financially burdened thanks to these subsidies.
The program is part of the California Dream for All Shared Appreciation Loan initiative, which has traditionally supported first-time homebuyers. However, expanding it to include illegal immigrants has drawn sharp criticism. San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond emphasized that with the state facing a $60 billion deficit, focusing resources on those in the country illegally is unfair to citizens.
Supporters argue that everyone deserves access to homeownership, regardless of legal status, but opponents see it as another example of California favoring illegal immigrants over Americans. Critics argue that the program places financial strain on taxpayers while failing to address the housing affordability crisis affecting legal residents.
The bill passed the Senate Appropriations Committee along partisan lines and now moves to a full Senate vote. If successful, it could fuel further frustration among taxpayers who feel left out as the state prioritizes illegal immigrants in housing aid.